Monday, November 25, 2013

Grandma's House

Over the meadow and through the woods to Grandmothers house we would go. Thanksgiving is a time for families to get together and partake of a mini-feast to kick off the Christmas Season while taking a few moments to return thanks to God for His goodness. I do not have any grandparents living today but I can certainly remember the Thanksgivings when I got to help my dad and his brothers kill hogs at Grandma’s. My dad’s mom, my Granny, was a little short lady with a large bun of white hair pulled up on top of her head and little round spectacles that sit on her nose. When we kids had our fill of stinking hog hides boiling in water we would go in the house where the women folk were. My granny would be sitting in her living room waiting for the others to get the big meal ready. We would gather round her and listen to her tell tales of past hog killings and Thanksgivings when she was a little girl. She was always smiling! She was full of fun it seemed. Her hearing and eyesight was excellent for her age. She would tell of the days when snow was up to their knees and they would have to help kill the hogs in blowing snow and wind. Explaining how each step was done and how that nothing was wasted. “We would even jug the squeal” she would say and chuckle. Then the time for the big meal came. The men folk came in and went to wash up, we had to wash up too. They would prepare the kids table close to the adults so the mothers could wait on us without having to travel to far. My cousins and I would always fuss over who got to sit closer to granny who was just right across from us. Someone would pray and make a little speech about blessings and stuff, and then we would eat. The house was full of laughter and noise and smelled like fresh bread and turkey.

I often wonder how many times my granny prayed for me. I wonder if she had any idea that I would grow up to be a preacher. She died when I was seventeen; she was ninety four. Over the years my dad and all his siblings have passed. Only my cousins are still around on my dad’s side. How many kids will sit at Thanksgiving tables this year with their grannies which God is planning on calling into the ministry or using for His purpose in different ways? I think about what Jeremiah wrote; [1]For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Regardless of how you or your family celebrates Thanksgiving, just know that each day we live we are creating memories for someone. We never know how God will use those memories; maybe even using them to help someone write a blog; 40 years later.

[1] Jeremiah 29:11 (New Living Translation, NLT).

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