Monday, October 28, 2013

The Quest of the Wooly Worm

Sitting in the school driveway waiting on Hannah to get out of band I noticed a little wooly worm as it made its way off the curb opposite me and started to cross the driveway. The wind was blowing at full force as the little worm made its way toward the grass on the side where I was parked. The wind was blowing leaves across the lawn and the driveway and with each hard gust it would blow the little worm’s wool. The little fellow would stop so as to hold onto the asphalt and then start moving again. It never changed course and the wind never blew it away. It made it into the safety of the grass in front of my car. Now by this time you may be thinking, “Pastor Mike needs to get a life, resorting to watching wooly worms’ means he has too much time on his hands.” You have heard it said that we should stop to take time and smell the roses so what is wrong with taking the time to watch a wooly worm?

Let me share some facts with you (so you won’t have to Google it yourself) about the Wooly Bear Caterpillar; which we call the wooly worm. It is an Isabella Tiger Moth. The larva emerges from the egg in the fall and overwinters in its caterpillar form, when it literally freezes solid. First its heart stops beating, then its gut freezes, then its blood, followed by the rest of the body. In the spring it thaws out and emerges to pupate. It emerges from its pupa as an Isabella Tiger Moth. In the Arctic the summer period for vegetative growth - and hence feeding - is so short that the Woolly Bear must feed for several summers, freezing again each winter before finally pupating. Some are known to live through as many as 14 winters! [1] Bet you didn’t know that, did you?
The Bible teaches For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse.[2] Who are they who are without excuse? Those who believe there is no God. If God can use a little wooly worm to teach me a lesson in endurance, facing the wind, and staying on course, then He is able to keep me on course just as He kept that little caterpillar. I doubt if anyone else seen it, but now many of you will know about it. Funny how God can get a message across isn’t it? You may be the one that God wanted to say this to today: hang in there!

[2] Romans 1:20

Monday, October 21, 2013

Choosing a Mask for Church

Hannah and I went to the local dollar store the other evening to pick up a few things and as we entered the store and started up an aisle there were two ladies, possibly a mother and daughter, searching through the Halloween costumes. The younger had a mask on and asked the other how it looked. We smiled as we walked past them and went to get our stuff. When we headed to the register we came back down the aisle opposite them so as not to bother them in their quest. Just as we were passing by we heard one of them say, “I have got to find something to wear to church.” Mine and Hannah’s eyes met and we both clinched our teeth so as not to just laugh out loud. After leaving the store and walking across the parking lot Hannah said, “I did not see that coming!” To which I replied, “Wonder what kind of church she attends?” Of course we both laughed knowing that apparently the lady was not referring to buying a mask for church . . . . maybe.

We do wear masks to church though sometimes, don’t we? I have. I have gone in church with a big smile on my face to mask a sad countenance or perhaps worry in my heart. No use in spoiling someone else’s day just because things are not hunky-dory in my life, right? I think we somehow justify hiding our true feelings when in church with that excuse; I don’t want to bother anyone else with my troubles. Or could it be that we are ashamed to let others know we have problems? [1]I have been checked in my spirit several times by the Holy Spirit in regards to letting my pride hamper me from being totally honest at times always justifying it by telling myself that they don’t want to know their pastor has problems. How would that reflect on my faith? A pastor, with worries, fears, or sadness would not be a good example to his or her flock; or would we?
It is so sad that we feel that we cannot be honest with each other about our feelings, especially in church. We are so afraid of being judged, and rightly so, if we were to tell people how we really feel or what is really going on. It is sad that we cannot trust our brothers and sisters in Christ to [2]“Weep with those who weep” rather than judge us for being weak in our faith because we are suffering. We pray for people with physical problems all the time, don’t we? Why are we so reluctant to share our emotional pain in the same way? It should not be that way. [3]Jesus never judged anyone that came to Him because of their problems. He never raised His eyebrows, rolled His eyes, smirked, or let out a big sigh when someone came to Him hurting; did He? May we learn to accept people for who they are, warts and all, just as He does. Our mission statement at Draper Valley is, “A place where lives are changed, hurts are healed, and hope restored by the power of Almighty God.” May the Lord help us to live up to it!

[1] 1 John 3:20
[2] Romans 12:5
[3] John 8:11

Monday, October 14, 2013

Tattle Tales

I was ten years old and we were out of school for the summer. We lived about half a mile from the New River and most of us boys spent our days running all over town playing fox and dog and once in a while we would slip off down to the river. I came home for supper one evening and was met on the back porch by mom. “Where have you been?” She asked. “Out playing, down on branch road,” I lied. “A little bird told me you were down at the river! I told you not to go down there until your dad gets home.” I then blew it big time; “I will get my air rifle and put an end to that d - - n bird!” (I have not always been a preacher). I not only got whipped by her for slipping off, it was doubled when dad came home for using the “d” word.

Rats and tattle tales have never been held in high esteem. Whistle blowers are the new name for them. Although I did not like to be told on, sometimes it was for my own good. Mom did not want me to drown that’s why she did not let me go to the river alone. Sometimes being told on can bring us to repentance; especially after a double whooping. I am not the first to get upset about being ratted out. [1]King David was very upset when Nathan spilled the beans on him. God knew what David thought was hid and had put behind him. It was his little dirty secret. It would have remained hidden had God not revealed it to Nathan and therefore to us by way of the Scriptures. God could have dealt with David in secret; after all he was God’s anointed. One would think God would be embarrassed to reveal such a thing about His chosen king. God told on David so we would know He sees all things, past and present. We may hide things from mom and dad, our spouse or children, even our pastor; but we cannot “slip off” from God.
Take heart though! Being found out can lead to changes; good changes. [2]David repented and God forgave him. I got whipped, twice, and repented. I watched my words from then on and never slipped off again. Obviously my parent’s forgave me and God did too. Know this, [3]If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If you are hiding something the Holy Spirit will tell on you. Come clean, take your whipping, repent and move on.

[1] 2 Samuel 12
[2] Psalm 51
[3] 1 John 1:8 New International Version, (NIV)

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Quit Judging, Start Loving

The best advice the Lord ever gave me came through my dear wife over thirty years ago. We had been married over ten years before I came to Christ; she had been a Christian all along. One day while sitting at our bar in the kitchen eating supper, a few years before we had kids, we were watching Oprah Winfrey on a little TV sitting on the bar. She was interviewing prostitutes that day. I had gotten saved about three months earlier. As Oprah would ask them a question I would say, (I have been talking back to the TV for a long time), “I know one thing, if you don’t get saved lady, you are going to hell.” With each question to each lady I would end up saying that or something similar to it. After about the tenth time my wife had enough. She dropped her fork in her plate, turned those pretty green eyes toward me, cut them down and then said, “Who do you think you are?” The hair stood up on the back of my neck! “What do you mean who do I think I am? I am a Christian, that’s who I am.” I answered smugly. “Let me tell you something,” she said, “You are not any better than those women. The only difference between you and them is that you have accepted Gods salvation. He loves them every bit as much as He does you, and, you have no authority to send anyone to hell!” She picked up her fork and kept eating. My food kind of tasted like my foot.

I tell that story often in church because it was the first step God used in preparing me for what I do today; pastor. When I came to Christ and He opened my eyes, I began to see sin everywhere and in everybody it seemed; except in me. Today, I can relate to what the Apostle Paul meant when he considered himself the [1]worst sinner of all. The closer he got to Christ the worse he looked; same with me. I now tell folk that when God really needs to get my attention and I am not listening, He tells my wife and she tells me! He knows I listen to her.
I have found that we sometimes push people away from us because of our judgmental attitudes. We may not intend to do it, we may even guard our words; but our body language and tone of speech can reveal our attitude. Jesus never hung out with sinners but He certainly associated with them. He accepted invitations to dinner, He touched the untouchable, and He never offended any sinner; only religious folk. Just as God used my wife to teach me a lesson He used Paul to teach Peter the same thing. [2]Paul got in Peter’s face just as my wife did mine. Paul and I both are better for it. So, let this be a lesson for you. Learn from my and Peter’s mistake. Quit judging and start loving. That is what Jesus did when He was here in the physical and that is what He wants to do today, through us. May we quit seeing people as degenerates’ and begin to see them as Jesus does; salvageable.

[1] 1 Timothy 1:15
[2] Galatians 2:11