Monday, December 16, 2013

We Act Like We Believe Anything

Gullible is the word we use for those who we consider naïve and will believe anything. Guess who fits into that group? The majority of us. For a hundred years we have been duped by the fairy tale story of Santa Claus. I preached on that yesterday and usually do not blog about my sermons but this one needs to be heard. I covered the history of St. Nicholas and how his generosity led to Santa Claus. Santa is a marketing tool; you only have to see the TV commercials and ads in the media to know that. I talked about the justification we find in telling ourselves that Santa is a good guy and his story is only make believe and everyone knows that. Well, if we know he is make believe why do we act like he is not? Megyn Kelly on Fox News last week started an uproar over what ethnicity Santa is. Then she said she knew he was only a historical figure; like Jesus, she said (Find it on YouTube). Santa does not exist so how can a non-existent being be discussed as though he is real? This okay “lie” goes deep into our culture. Even NORAD, the people who we trust to protect us from attacks in our air space track Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. Oh, Mike, we know it’s all in fun and just a festive holiday tradition. Do we take lying seriously or not? Since when does the Scripture give us permission to tell lies as long as we are just playing because we really know the truth? I don’t think Jesus would have believed the story about Santa and I don’t think He would have told it to kids.
The same children we try to convince that Santa is real are the same children that we try to convince Jesus is real. Oh, Mike, you know that kids grow up and learn about Santa; it’s no big deal. What if a kid gets made fun of by other kids for believing in Santa? Then what if they remember they were made fun of for believing a fairy tale and then are afraid to believe in Jesus for the same reason? Ms. Kelly from Fox was lied to at some point; about Santa and Jesus.
Don’t fall for the hype, as many of us have. Tell your kids the truth about Santa; he is make believe. Tell them the truth, that you gave them the gifts because you love them. That started with God giving us Jesus.

You can listen to the sermon on our Website here:

Monday, December 9, 2013

Ah, Tis the Season!

Here we go, grocery day. Dodging buggies and trying to get down the freezer aisle without making any enemies. The dude blocking the way holding a note in his hand trying to figure out what the difference is between southern biscuits and buttermilk biscuits. You have all seen this guy; making small talk with everyone squeezing by him waiting till they all get past so he can open the door and read the bag. I am the dude. Now I just happen to be a people person; the more people there are, the more I like it. My dear wife tries to avoid the crowded aisles as she does not want to get in anyone’s way. I will plow down them when I can. When the season comes around, and no I am not talking about the Christmas season but winter, there are even more people in the stores! With the winter season comes the storm warnings. “Ice and snow coming,” the weather tellers say and the fun begins! The population envisions a six month blizzard with no power and buried under 10 feet of snow. Got to stock up on milk and bread they say. What about the peanut butter? No use having milk and bread if you are out of peanut butter! “We have got to get stuff that doesn’t need to be heated,” my best lady says. “How about beanie weenies and sardines” I will suggest. She gives me the “you’re kidding me” look. I then suggest peanut butter.

I wonder what it would be like if Jesus had come in our time. I picture Him standing in the grocery stores telling people, “You hypocrites! You worry about the weather but could care less about your souls!” That’s what He told one bunch (Matthew 16:3). I don’t have the guts to tell them that when they say, “Sorry” as they push past me at the freezer case. “I ain’t the One you need forgiveness from; you need to apologize to Christ!” I should say. Then they would label me the “Weird dude blocking the freezer case aisle that preaches to everyone.” Guess I need to work on that because there will be more weather warnings.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

What To Put In The Yard

We have been decorating for Christmas ever since I can remember. Mom and dad always put up lights to celebrate the season of Christmas. All our neighbors decorated somehow. At one point it was almost like a contest between town folk as to who had the most lights or the best decorations. When I got married and moved out I continued decorating for Christmas because my wife’s family also decorated. You could say it was ingrained in us to decorate for Christmas. Each year we would look for the newest thing to put in the yard so that we could be one up on the neighbors. We still have the Nativity scene we purchased back in the early 80’s. We have moved three times since we were married and all the decorations moved with us. About half of my under the house storage is taken up with Christmas decorations. Which brings me to my question, “What to put in the yard?”

Each year I have thought to just keep it simple. One year I purchased lumber and built a stable in the front yard. It looked like a shed. I made sure people passing by could see the baby in the manger. The world between Ivanhoe, Piney, and Ft. Chiswell need to see that baby! How could they drive by and not be affected by my display? I have the whole set; Mary, Joseph, Jesus, Shepherds, a cow, a donkey, an angel, the three wise guys (who by the way, were not there at His birth) but make for a good display. One year I hung a big Cross on the chimney. One year I put snowflakes on the chimney. One year I put lighted deer that moved their heads in the yard with a Christmas tree beside them. I have tried to impress the passersby each year but this year I have decorators block; what to put in the yard? How can I display my Nativity scene in such a way that it will knock people off their horses (like Jesus did Paul) when they go by? This is my opportunity to win a lost world to Jesus, how can I impress them with my display in order to do that? If you have any spiritual discernment about you right now you are thinking, “It is not about decorating or even that plastic baby in that pop crate manger with hay sticking out. Christmas is about Christ; not decorations.”
If you come by our place on Ivanhoe road you may see a Nativity scene in our yard, or maybe a Cross, or maybe we will just put some candles in the windows! Easy to put up, easy to take down! We might have deer that move, or trees that light up, snowflakes along the driveway or lights on the chimney, lights on the house or snowflakes hanging from our trees. One thing you will not see though; Jesus in our hearts. Nothing we can put outside our house will ever show you what is inside our hearts. Maybe I will just put a sign in the yard this year with a spotlight on it that reads, “It does not matter what is in the yard; it’s what’s in the heart that counts.”