Monday, December 9, 2013

Ah, Tis the Season!

Here we go, grocery day. Dodging buggies and trying to get down the freezer aisle without making any enemies. The dude blocking the way holding a note in his hand trying to figure out what the difference is between southern biscuits and buttermilk biscuits. You have all seen this guy; making small talk with everyone squeezing by him waiting till they all get past so he can open the door and read the bag. I am the dude. Now I just happen to be a people person; the more people there are, the more I like it. My dear wife tries to avoid the crowded aisles as she does not want to get in anyone’s way. I will plow down them when I can. When the season comes around, and no I am not talking about the Christmas season but winter, there are even more people in the stores! With the winter season comes the storm warnings. “Ice and snow coming,” the weather tellers say and the fun begins! The population envisions a six month blizzard with no power and buried under 10 feet of snow. Got to stock up on milk and bread they say. What about the peanut butter? No use having milk and bread if you are out of peanut butter! “We have got to get stuff that doesn’t need to be heated,” my best lady says. “How about beanie weenies and sardines” I will suggest. She gives me the “you’re kidding me” look. I then suggest peanut butter.

I wonder what it would be like if Jesus had come in our time. I picture Him standing in the grocery stores telling people, “You hypocrites! You worry about the weather but could care less about your souls!” That’s what He told one bunch (Matthew 16:3). I don’t have the guts to tell them that when they say, “Sorry” as they push past me at the freezer case. “I ain’t the One you need forgiveness from; you need to apologize to Christ!” I should say. Then they would label me the “Weird dude blocking the freezer case aisle that preaches to everyone.” Guess I need to work on that because there will be more weather warnings.

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