Monday, December 16, 2013

We Act Like We Believe Anything

Gullible is the word we use for those who we consider naïve and will believe anything. Guess who fits into that group? The majority of us. For a hundred years we have been duped by the fairy tale story of Santa Claus. I preached on that yesterday and usually do not blog about my sermons but this one needs to be heard. I covered the history of St. Nicholas and how his generosity led to Santa Claus. Santa is a marketing tool; you only have to see the TV commercials and ads in the media to know that. I talked about the justification we find in telling ourselves that Santa is a good guy and his story is only make believe and everyone knows that. Well, if we know he is make believe why do we act like he is not? Megyn Kelly on Fox News last week started an uproar over what ethnicity Santa is. Then she said she knew he was only a historical figure; like Jesus, she said (Find it on YouTube). Santa does not exist so how can a non-existent being be discussed as though he is real? This okay “lie” goes deep into our culture. Even NORAD, the people who we trust to protect us from attacks in our air space track Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. Oh, Mike, we know it’s all in fun and just a festive holiday tradition. Do we take lying seriously or not? Since when does the Scripture give us permission to tell lies as long as we are just playing because we really know the truth? I don’t think Jesus would have believed the story about Santa and I don’t think He would have told it to kids.
The same children we try to convince that Santa is real are the same children that we try to convince Jesus is real. Oh, Mike, you know that kids grow up and learn about Santa; it’s no big deal. What if a kid gets made fun of by other kids for believing in Santa? Then what if they remember they were made fun of for believing a fairy tale and then are afraid to believe in Jesus for the same reason? Ms. Kelly from Fox was lied to at some point; about Santa and Jesus.
Don’t fall for the hype, as many of us have. Tell your kids the truth about Santa; he is make believe. Tell them the truth, that you gave them the gifts because you love them. That started with God giving us Jesus.

You can listen to the sermon on our Website here:

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