Monday, November 18, 2013

Dogs Rule . . . (At least in our house)

Her name is Zoe, a 10+ lb. Toy Chihuahua. Of course the AKC classifies a toy Chihuahua as weighing no more than six pounds, but Zoe hangs with me a lot and we do not watch our calorie intake to close. She is eight years old with a white face after once being totally black all over. The other clown in the house is Boatey. A big gray tom cat that we rescued from the shelter when he was six months old; as my daughter Hannah says, “He came in a box.” It was a cardboard carrier the pet foster parent delivered him to us in. He is three years old. Now you may not be one that lives with pets in your house but if you do, then you know how much joy and fun they can be. Zoe knows she is the senior pet and exercises her seniority over Boat-boat (our pet name for our pet name). Boat loves to play all the time, whereas Zo-zo (other pet name for our pet name) plays only occasionally. When Zo is on the couch with me or my wife or daughter, Boat gets jealous. He tries to root his way in only to have Zo snarl her upper lip and let him see her teeth. He lowers his ears and glares at her. After a few seconds one or the other will flinch and Zo launches like a tiger; only thing is, she never bites him or hurts him, she just scares him real good. It is fun having them around as they can be very entertaining and both are good pets. The Bible teaches us that we as Christians should be good to our animals Proverbs 12:10. Some take it to far sometimes as believing animals to be on the same level as humans, meaning we should not kill any of them for food. God put man in charge, not dogs, cats, cows, or lions Genesis 1:26 . Our pets depend upon us when we keep them in our houses. They are good companions and we believe that they love us, as we love them. We cannot truly say what they “feel” toward us, but it seems like love to us. We love them with pet love and that love is real. That is why it grieves us so when one dies or is lost. God created all life for His pleasure, including the animals. Regardless of how you feel about animals God knows every one of them; just like He does the birds Matthew 10:29 .

Well, I have got to end this blog; Boat-boat is on my lap wanting to run the glare spot that comes from my cell phone when I put it in the sun. Zo on the other hand is just lying in the sunbeam on the carpet in front of the window with the sun on her belly; doggies rule.


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