Monday, August 8, 2011

The Master Of The Sea

“Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?” [Mark 4:38 NKJV]

Those who spend much of their life on the sea can tell you this; you are either heading into a storm, you are in a storm, or you just came out of one. A calm sea is found only between the exit of the last storm and the entrance of the next one. Some of these men Jesus was with in the boat were seasoned fisherman. They had been in storms before. The difference between this storm and the others were these land lubbers with them in the boat. They knew the Teacher was not a storm rider. He had told them earlier *to keep a small boat ready near the shore so He could escape being crushed by the crowds that came down to the seaside to hear Him; and they did. After getting into the boat He taught things about seeds and sowers’, putting lamps under baskets, and how seeds grow. Then a few hours prior to their departure He taught them that just a little faith, like a little seed, is sufficient to do big things. As the sun began to set He said; “Let’s head across to the other side.” No problem for them as they had sailed back and forth across that little sea many times chasing fish. Jesus had an agenda they were not aware of though; He was going to teach them about forming opinions of who He really was. To accentuate His lesson He laid down in the back of the boat and went to sleep! Then it happened; they ran into the storm God had allowed in their path. Wind blowing the waves and with each dip of the bow the little boat gulped up gallons of water. Look at the Master; sleeping like a fat house cat on a rainy Monday. “Hey! Teacher! Wake up! The boat is going under! Then these famous words: “Don’t You care that WE are perishing?!” When a loved one dies tragically or suddenly we ask it. When the doc says; “stage four,” we ask it. Lord, don’t You care that we are dying? We are in a life threatening crisis and You sleep. Now watch closely what happens: He gets up, speaks to the elements and the storm is over. Then asks, “Have you already forgotten what I told you about faith and mustard seeds?” Then they got really skeered! An awesome display of power! “Who is this Guy?” They asked. He is the Maser of the Sea; that’s who He is. How about you today? In a storm? In the calm sea of tranquility awaiting the next one? Take some advice from me; a land lubber that gets sea sick on the New River; make sure you are in the boat with Jesus.

*Mark 3:9

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