Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Grace: The Gift of Survival

“My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” [2 Corinthians 12:9]

Survival of the fittest; that is the rule in the wilderness and in nature. The quick can outrun the slow to escape being eaten. The quick can outrun the slow to catch a meal. Seems ironic doesn’t? It all depends on whether you are the slow one or the quick one. The slow may be quick enough at times to catch a meal, but then be to slow to escape being one! About now you should be thanking God that he did not create you to be food!

We have all been there and many are there now; striving to survive a crisis. We may be up against a physical ailment, an emotional trauma, or perhaps in a financial bind. More than once I have been faced with situations and issues that I could not change or do anything about. I was left to face the consequences. Many of which are now in the past and I can look back now and see how that God worked things out for me. It has taken me years to learn patience. The patience that it takes to trust God in every situation and circumstance. I have learned that, just as Paul did, that God has enough grace to sustain me even in the worst of times. Grace is the gift of survival for us. God could leave us to our own problems and situations, fold His arms across His chest, glare down His nose at us and say; “Good luck getting through this.” I am so thankful today He does not do that! Because He is gracious toward us! It is not until we come to realize that we need Him, that we will ever experience His deliverance. In the Kingdom of God the rule of survival is not the same as it is in nature. The weak can survive just the same as the strong.

How about you today? Feel like you are being outrun by the enemy? Maybe feel like you are in a no win situation, or perhaps between a rock and hard place? Call upon the Lord Jesus; He will come to your rescue. His strength is yours for the asking.

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