Monday, August 22, 2011

Life Motto

Shall the one who contends with the Almighty correct Him? [Job 40:2 NKJV]

Why me, Job asked. Job was perplexed when it seemed that God had turned on him. You and I know what happened in the account of Job because we have the Scripture after the fact but Job never had a clue. One day everything in his life was hunky dory and then just hours later it seemed that the Almighty God had taken vengeance on him. What have I done, Job asked God. Only to be left without answer or explanation. It was a dark day for Job, so dark that he remarked he wished he had been still born and not seen the light of day! How about you? Ever wished you had never been born? Hard times and harsh circumstances can grind the edge off our faith. Doubt, fear, and anger begin to arise in our spirit when it seems that God is not listening. We harbor the thought in the back of our mind; I am not sure there is a God. All because things do not happen as we want them to. “I pray and things get worse” some have told me. It becomes difficult to even pray sometimes in such dire straits.
Take courage though, Job was allowed to be prey for the devil that you and I might come to understand the power of the Almighty. God is our creator and thereby can do with us as He pleases. We can become misguided into believing that we deserve a life free from conflict. Jesus said in this life we would have trouble; and we do. There is no use in arguing with God about it either because He knows what He is going to do and why He is going to do it. God is never wrong in what He does. We cannot correct Him because He is always right! We learn from Job what attitude to take toward trouble; God is in control of everything. Nothing comes into our lives without His knowledge or permission. We may not understand at the time how our troubles and problems are of any benefit. What we must believe is; they are. Job had no idea that his life of hell on earth for a season was of any benefit, but it was. It benefited those of us who can look to his experiences, his thoughts, his complaints, his questions, and ultimately his faith and determination to trust God. Endure the trail, put up with the pain, agonize over your losses; but never lose trust in the Almighty. Let the words of Job become your motto; “Though He slay me, I will still trust Him!”

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