Monday, March 7, 2011

A Robin. A Worm. A You.

Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? [Matthew 6:26]

I see a robin pilfering through the grass along my ditch line this morning; head turning from side to side as his glaring eyes search for an earthworm pushing its way up through the soft wet soil in order to find the warmth of the sun and the nutrients on top of the ground. Within seconds of piercing the topsoil, the finely tuned eye of the bird focuses on it and what started out for the worm as a journey to find food and comfort becomes a free breakfast for Mr. Redbreast. My daughter Hannah would say, “Poor worm.” Think about that for just a moment; created to be food; fulfilling the will of God by filling the craw of a robin. Consider that the next time you wonder what your purpose in life is! To us that worm is fish bait but to God that worm had a higher purpose. We generally do not value worms, insects, and the like but birds do. God could have made us to be food for birds but rather He chose to put a higher value on us. The only reason you are a human today instead of a robin, an earthworm, a blade of grass, a cuckle burr, or a rock is because God decided before He ever formed you in the womb of your mom to create you in His image. That means, what He had in mind for you; what He imagined in His heart you were to be. An eternal spirit created and designed to bring Him glory with your life. Now you can understand the gravity of the question Jesus asked; “Are you not of more value than they?” Do you mean more to God than a bird or a worm? Absolutely. The worm and the bird have no soul; not created in His image. He purposely designed that little robin so that I may look at him and be awed by the power of the One who created me. He allowed me to look at the bird He created by way of an intrinsic, complicated organ known as an eye; also His creation. How dare you to think that you are not worth anything. All the thought and creativeness that went in to bringing you to life was for the purpose of glorifying your Creator! You please Him by being you. You are priceless to Him; so much so that He paid for you with His own flesh and Blood. Jesus never died for the robin or the worm; only for you. Think about it. Well, got to go, I see a starling in the yard; wonder what he will find to eat?

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