Monday, February 28, 2011

The Truth Interpreted

No prophecy in the Scriptures ever comes from the prophet's own interpretation. ~ 2 Peter 1:20 [NCV]

“You’re a good interpreter dad,” Hannah said to me yesterday. We had lunch following service with my son and his wife. Hannah said this after the waiter had come to take our orders after we had been surveying the menus for a bit. “How do you figure that?” I asked. She said, “When the guy asked ‘What will you guys be having today’ you interpreted it into your Southern tongue for us.’” All I said was, “Whacha all wont.”

Now I don’t have an issue with my interpretation. After all we southerners have a way of keeping things simple and to the point. I simply used three words to ask the same thing it took him seven words to ask. The Bible has been translated into many different languages so perhaps it is time we got a few Southern scholars together and translated it into our “tongue.” Even if we did that it would still be our take on what God inspired in the first place. Old Pete reminded his readers that these false teachers who were going about teaching their own doctrines were twisting the actual truth. The Holy Spirit inspired him to put these words onto the parchment that we have as our text today. Those whom God used to record His words did not interpret the truth as they saw fit. Although we have the Scriptures translated into hundreds of languages and several versions, the truth still stands as God gave it to begin with. I never argue over a particular version or translation that others may read. In fact I study a bunch of versions and translations. Thomas Jefferson wrote his own version and did not include any of the supernatural aspects of Jesus’ miracles because he believed the four Gospel writers added them on their own. He even left out the resurrection of Christ in his version. That was his private interpretation of the Scriptures. He has found out by now he was wrong. I hold to the belief that God guards His word. I believe what Jesus said; “When the Holy Spirit comes He will guide you into all truth.” The Holy Spirit came when Jesus left. He is here now and will be until the church is taken to heaven. I believe He surveys all the versions, translations, and interpretations that we apply to the Word. Our society today struggles with the truth. Millions do not even believe there is absolute truth. Understandable seeing how as we have been lied to from the White House to the church house. Jesus said that the devil is a liar and the father of all lies and he is still using people to lie today. No, the Bible was not produced by the mind of men putting their thoughts on parchment the way they believed it. The Bible was produced by the Living God inspiring, (breathing into), the truth into the minds of those He used to write it. Peter was an eyewitness to Jesus. If the devil tried to tell him something that was wrong; Peter would have known it. You and I were not there with Jesus but the Holy Spirit was. Therefore I take His Word for it. Bless all yall.

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