Monday, February 21, 2011

Wheelbarrow Faith

With God all things are possible. ~ Matthew 19:26

“If you say so;” A common phrase among those of us who are not totally convinced that what someone is telling us is true or even possible. People watched as a man walked a tight wire across Niagara Falls. After returning he then walked it again a second time blindfolded. After that he then pushed a wheelbarrow across it blindfolded. The people cheered as he accomplished these feats. He then asked a fellow standing in the crowd; “Do you think I can do that again?” The guy quickly said yes. The fellow then said, “Then how about you getting in the wheelbarrow this time?” Our faith cannot be measured by what we say or even think but rather by what we do. You and I are programmed naturally to reject things that do not appear logical to us. How can you push a camel through the eye of a needle? It has to be a trick question or an impossible feat. The truth is you cannot; but God can. God is the Master of impossibility. His works are not limited by our logical assumptions. He deals in miracles and we live in doubt. Why? Maybe because we have not actually seen Him push a wheelbarrow across a tight wire blindfolded. Could be that we have to take someone else’s word for what He has done. The doctor says, “I’m sorry, but the results are positive for cancer.” A friend says, “I will pray for you; God can heal you.” You think, “If you say so.” You have seen many die from the disease so your human logic reasons that it is only by chance that some survive it. The truth is all survive it. Disease kills bodies; not souls. Jesus saves souls, not bodies. He sacrificed His body that our soul might be saved. Man cannot save a soul, it is impossible for us to do. God can do it though. Look around; do you see any life forms around you at this moment? God created them. So go ahead and put a blindfold on your doubt and get into the wheelbarrow with God; live by faith and not by sight.

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