Friday, March 11, 2011

(Special Edition) Plan For It Now

Hey Gang,

Felt impressed to share this one asap. I do my best to discern and obey the Holy Spirit.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. ~ Matthew 6:34 (NIV)

My teenage daughter and I were heading out to pick up a pizza. As we came out of the restaurant I asked, “Do you want to drive?” She is only thirteen and knew I was joking. As we drove back home I begin telling her some things about driving. I said, “See that car up there? In just a few seconds we are going to be where it is now. You have to think like that when driving.” Then I said, “The faster you are going, the quicker you will get there.” With that she looked at me like, “Duh, yeah dad.” I told her, “That sounds like something Yogi Berra would say.”

I think that is kind of what Jesus was saying here. We never make it to tomorrow, do we? When the clock passes midnight it becomes “today.” Yesterday we were looking forward to today. Now that we are here, we are looking forward to tomorrow. Let’s stop there. Each day brings new things with it. Some we were expecting, some we were not. Japan never expected the earthquake on Thursday that happened on Friday. There were plans being made on Thursday that did not include an earthquake. That date on many people’s calendars had doctor appointments scheduled, weddings scheduled, meetings scheduled, surgeries scheduled, and funerals scheduled, but not one of them had penciled in an earthquake for 2:46 P.M., Friday afternoon, (their time). Now you can see why Jesus said to concentrate our energy and efforts on today. We have to plan of course but we should plan knowing that our world could be turned upside down. What will we do if it happens? Now lets add another event; the return of Christ. What if on HLN Friday morning instead of hearing about an earthquake in one part of the world, the reports were of thousands of accidents around the world and millions of people were missing? The media would eventually bring up the “rapture” but how many would accept it; especially if they were left behind? Listen, we are heading toward that day; today may be the day. If not, then it will be tomorrow; we don’t know which tomorrow, but it will be one of them. In one of those tomorrows out there; it lurks. At midnight, at high noon, or maybe at ten after two on a mundane Tuesday, a rainy Monday, or a sunny Friday; He will come. There will be plenty of trouble that day. Get ready for it today; let the troubles of today persuade you to prepare for the troubles of tomorrow. If someone had asked a person that perhaps died in the Tokyo earthquake at 2:40 P.M., “Are you saved? Are you ready to meet Christ?” The person would have had only 6 minutes before his decision would become final. Do not pencil in on your calendar, “Will get saved this Sunday.” Do it now.

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