Monday, November 17, 2014

Yes, There Is A Holy Spirit

Over the centuries the work of the Holy Spirit has continued in the world. Although there are factions within Christianity that even deny the existence of the Holy Spirit, or attribute His work to some kind of “supernatural force.” People tend to not believe in things they cannot explain. Science does its best to answer the unanswerable questions that mankind deals with but falls short of logical explanation of everything. Religion is one of those areas in which science leaves it up to each individual as to what one believes because there are no foundational scientific principles that regulate that what one believes is real or not. It exists in the mind or life of the individual as far as science is concerned. The Holy Spirit of God exists and always has according to the Holy Scriptures. Whether one believes the Scriptures are the Word of God or not does not change the truth that God has revealed to mankind within them. The fact that God has inspired the Scriptures and has revealed to us the mystery of where we came from, what we are here for, and where we are going is the basis of the Christian belief or faith. Therefore believing the Scriptures we believe in the Holy Spirit. As a Divine Personality, not the third person of the Godhead, but rather a person of the Godhead, equal in power, authority, and existence, His function is the personal manifestation of the invisible God in the person of Jesus Christ and in the lives of each person that is willing to believe in Christ, submit their will to His will, and accept His offer of forgiveness of sin. [1]When one makes the decision to do that then the Holy Spirit will come into that persons heart (the inner man) and begin to reveal the will of God to the individual. [2]If you choose not to believe in the whole Jesus thing or the Bible, then you will never know the truth. 

The Holy Spirit is working in the world today within those who are willing to let Him work through them. [3]We know how evil the world can be today but if it were not for the Holy Spirit still in the world, you could not even imagine how bad it would be. The Holy Spirit is the inspiration for all that is good in the world. His influence upon humanity is God’s grace toward us. [4]All the good attributes that exist in people today first existed in God. Even those who reject or rebel against God and Jesus are still loved by them. They Holy Spirit is the Link that connects us to Jesus the Son who connects us to God the Father. [5]You may be like the people in Ephesus who had not even heard of the Holy Spirit until the Apostle Paul told them about Him. If you have ever given God or Jesus a single thought, you can thank the Holy Spirit for it. [6]Were it not for Him we would have never known about God or Christ.

[1] Galatians 4:6
[2] 1 Corinthians 2:14
[3] 2 Thessalonians 2:7
[4] 1 John 4:8
[5] Acts 19:2
[6] Ephesians 3:4-6

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