Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A Tribute to Sister Hazel

“It’s wonderful to wake up and see everything that God has given us to enjoy, but it is more wonderful to know that we are God’s" (children). That is what Sister Hazel told me one afternoon as we sat on her porch/patio watching the sun go down. Sister Hazel is our senior member in our church, her days will number 97 years in a couple of months. Her mind is sharp as is her wit and her demeanor is one of a true granny. I say granny because that was my intimate title for my grandmother and it carries with it the description of a woman whose number one goal was to make us grandkids happy; and she did it with love, just as Sister Hazel does. It is unknown how many preachers she has advised including me. Billy Graham would benefit from a session with her and I am sure he would relish the moment if he knew her. Her and her husband pastored several churches before his passing many years ago. She taught Sunday school at the churches and it is hard to tell how many kids she has influenced. In my travels today I will come across someone who asks which church I pastor. When I tell them they always smile and ask, “Is Sister Hazel still there?” To their delight when I tell them she is, they always have a story of how she has done something for them or taught them. There are many of you reading this now that has a story as well.

We owe a great deal to these elders. There are other Sister Hazels’ out there. The Bible tells us in Hebrews that we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses that we have no excuse for not progressing in our faith, as these Saints have proven that we can endure; if we just will. Sister Hazel is not an “old fogy.” She stays on the cutting edge of news and present day issues. She can discuss with you the economy, the politics, and the social unrest in the world. She will share Scripture with you too that tells these things would come to pass. I wonder if we are the generation that Jesus was talking about when He said, “When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” If He were to come before Sister Hazel departs He will most certainly find that kind of faith He expects us to have. She and those of her generation have had to endure hardships that many of us have only heard or read about. We have so many helps at our fingertips today that we do not need faith to a certain extent. “There is an app for that” is what our answer today is to getting help. We put our faith in our technology as these Saints did in God. They had to depend upon God more than we do. Sister Hazel can share stories of faith with you that will raise the hairs on the back of your neck. Prayers that healed the sick when there were no doctors around. Prayers that were answered to put food on the table when there was no money to buy it and no credit cards, no social services or food banks. Prayers that were answered for protection when winter storms brought cold, snow and ice, and there was no emergency shelters, running water, heat pumps, or even electricity. There was no 911 to call. Yeah, they prayed the prayers of faith and God answered them. He was not their last resort, He was their Resort.

Let us learn from these witnesses as God has given them to us for a purpose. Let us put our faith in God as these Saints have done. Can we endure as they have? If we have the faith they do we can. Thank you Sister Hazel.

UPDATE: If you happen to run upon this post know that Sister Hazel went home to be with Jesus in March 2016. She will be dearly missed by those of us who loved and learned from her.

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