Monday, March 3, 2014

Made In His Image . . . Really?!

Think you know what it means to made in His image?
 My wife shared a story about a little fellow in her Sunday school class, she teaches the juniors. The little guy came in and the first thing he asked was, “Can I go to the bathroom and see if my hair is still fixed? (Jack) rubbed his hand on it and I think he messed it up?” Of course she let him; you can’t teach a kid with messed up hair. 
I was in a big box store the other morning and observed a young lady that actually had a fuzzy beard growing under her chin. I am in no way making fun of her, it was just an observation; but you have to admit, it sets you back to see something like that. Vanity I have come to understand really is in the eye of the beholder, especially if you are beholding yourself. 
Have you ever stopped to consider what God really meant when He said, “Let us make man in our image?” The Hebrew word used for “man” was: adem (aw-dum). It meant “ruddy” or flush in the face, rosy colored, made possible by blood in the skin. Animals have blood but none of them have “man blood.” The “Hu” man has something else the animals do not have: the “breath” of God that He breathed into their bodies. The word for that breath is “spirit.” Not to be confused with soul (psyche). A God breathed spirit into each human. Animals have life, but humans have “God like life.” Created by Him to live forever as He does. A unique type of flesh, filled with blood, given an intellect, and made eternal by the breath of God. That is how I see “made in His image.” 
Outward appearance and physical attributes were genetically engineered by the Intelligent Designer! When the human’s sinned, the genetics were corrupted; God took His lifeguard off the gene pool! The one original thing that remained as He created us is our spirit; that is why we will always live forever.  
Beards or messed up hair, male or female; we are all human. The one thing we all have in common is our Creator.  You can argue “image” all day but you cannot deny God has no physical image; only the body of Jesus did; and only He alone has seen the Father; and NO ONE really knows what Jesus looked like.

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