Monday, January 21, 2013

If Only You Knew

“He (Jesus) told me all that I ever did” (John 4:39 New King James Version).
Look down the road. You see that woman coming carrying that bucket on her head? She is coming to Jacobs well to draw some water out to cook and clean with. She is all alone and as she makes her way to the well you can imagine some of the town’s folk seeing her pass by and they whisper to one another, “That’s her.” Tales of intrigue and rumors follow her everywhere she goes. She goes on looking straight ahead and focuses on her mission and not on what they are saying about her. She has heard it all before. Men have used her and left her only to survive as best she could once they were through with her. She is living with a man now and hopes that maybe he is the one that will not leave her. As she gets closer she sees a man sitting there propped up with his back against it. She never lets on like she sees Him. “Ma’am, could you draw me up some water, I am thirsty?” She is shocked that he would even speak to her as she could tell by his characteristics He is a Jew. Jews, especially the men, have nothing to do with Samaritans considering them to be outcasts. “You are asking me to get you a drink? Me?" She thinks if He only knew who she was. "Don’t you know I am not just a woman, but a Samaritan woman?” Jesus says, “If you knew who I was you would have asked Me to give you some water; water that will not only quench your thirst but you will live forever if you drink it.” She studies Him just a moment and says, “How are you planning on getting it out? This well is deep; and you have no rope or bucket. Just where are you going to get this water you say will give me everlasting life? This cannot be it because our forefather Jacob dug this well and he and his sons and their families along with all his livestock, all drank from this well: and they are all dead.” Jesus smiles and says, “Oh, not this water dear. See this water is temporary and it will quench your physical thirst and help your physical body; but the water I am talking about comes from Me only. When you drink it, it goes into your soul and will nourish it forever.” She thinks about it and says, “Then give me this soul water.” There it is; the revelation of her heart. She wants to live with Him forever. Finally she has found a man that wants her not for just a little while but for forever! Jesus then lets her know He is not just a man by calling her attention to all the other men in her life. She then treats Him as a Rabbi by asking Him some doctrinal questions and He lets her know He is more than a Rabbi. She finally concludes with “Well, when the Messiah comes He will come to all of us and not cast us out like the rest of the Jews but will tell us everything too.” Then Jesus drops the bomb: “I am the Messiah.” Then she sees some other men coming toward them and gets scared and leaves.
Her famous words that caused many to come to believe in Christ were simply: “He told me all I ever did.” He will tell you all you ever did too. No one else knows you like Jesus does and yet He is willing to put Himself in your path and tell you just as He told her. “I know who you are and what all you have done but I still offer you everlasting life if you will only receive it.” Jesus never forsook that woman and He will never forsake you. Ask Him for a drink of that soul water today.

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