Thursday, January 31, 2013

Discussion About Belief

1 Timothy 4:10
For to this end we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of those who believe.

Did you know there are over 700 established religions in the world today and they are divided into over 3,500 sects? With all these teachings and doctrines how do we know what to believe?  The question the philosophers ask is did God create man, or did man create God? The question the scientists ask is if God created all things, including man, who or what created God? Then we have the dreamers; those who think that our existence is just a dream. I have no idea who they think is dreaming it. This entire question asking and thinking can cause one to throw their hands up in the air in disillusionment. I guess that may be why over one billion people do not claim to believe in any theory!
What do you believe? Even the atheist has a belief. They believe there is no need to believe as there is nothing to believe in; that’s a belief. With so many choices we may fear of choosing the wrong one. What I have seen religions do is try to control people through this fear. Breaking rules or not doing enough will land you in a very unpleasant afterlife. The only way to have a secure eternity is to follow their teachings. Each one has a founder and a leader. So why choose to believe in Jesus? How is He any different and His followers any different than the rest?
Let me ask another question; why would a man put his life on the line unless he was assured of what he taught? Jesus was either a liar or a lunatic if you approach it from that angle. He testified that the One who created the world and man had now come into His creation to show one part of Himself to His creatures. Jesus explained to them that He was the human manifestation of the Creator. His message was simple; God has created us to live forever with Him. Rejection of this truth brought about alienation between the Creator and the creature. God called this rejection; sin. Did you know that you cannot choose salvation? Salvation was made available to you without you having any say so. Paul told Timothy, “He is the Savior of ALL men, especially those who believe.” Jesus died that we may be saved and if we are to be saved then we cannot reject His sacrifice. Now you can believe whatever you choose, God will allow that. What He will not allow, if you expect to be saved, is not believing in Christ.

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