Monday, October 22, 2012

Are You Older Or Wiser?

Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding? (Job 12:12 NIV)

Getting old is not for sissies was something an elderly gent in our church told me once. He was in his eighties and was having some aches and pains associated with the aging process. Medical science has come a long way in extending our life and by replacing worn out parts with artificial ones the body is able to keep going in most cases. I saw a sign in a cafĂ©  that read; My hearing aid is good and my glasses work fine, my false teeth are helpful, but Lord I miss my mind!
The answer to Job’s question should be a resounding yes. The real truth is that getting older does not always mean one gets wiser or gets even more understanding. I have found some have leveled off somewhere in adolescence! However we should still respect our elders as I was taught as a child and I do. I make it a point to listen to them as the majority of them are wiser and have more understanding. Our modern day churches have our work cut out for us as we work to reach those around us today in a changing culture. I always find it amusing that the young think the old are crazy and the old think the young are crazy. I guess it all depends on which end of the life cycle you find yourself. Mark Twain once said, “When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.
As we see from Job’s question human nature has not changed in thousands of years. Job questioned the wisdom and understanding of people just as many do today. Job was making a case for the sovereignty of God in his questions. Job was teaching that human nature thinks it has all the answers. He concluded that animals were smarter than humans because they realized that God was in charge and created everything. I believe that we should focus on Christ regardless of how old or how young we are. Human nature will either be drawn to Him, if they are wise, or reject Him. The young person who realizes that life is in Christ is much wiser and has more understanding than the old person who has rejected Him. The older person who has placed their faith in Christ has learned that being in Him is the only true way to live. Now for us middle agers, we are wise and understanding; if we have chose Christ!

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