Monday, January 31, 2011

Why God, why?

“My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” ~ Matthew 27:46

There He was hanging between heaven and earth, just as the Scriptures had said He would. For this reason He came to this sin infested planet to begin with. Having no sin of His own to die for He readily and voluntarily allowed this body to be scourged and spit upon and then nailed to a Cross to be lifted up that all men may be reconciled to an angry God. Anger that stems from the effects that sin had brought upon His favorite creations. Being deceived by the adversary, His human beings, those made in the image of Himself, were turned against Him. His anger could have led to total annihilation of the race yet instead, He chose to preserve us. Taking His anger out on Himself, by way of His guiltless, sinless, Son; Jesus. Is it any wonder Jesus asked this question? After all what had He done to cause His Father to do this to Him? All the time knowing why His Father, for a brief period of time, had to leave Him alone on that blood stained wooden Cross. Sin cannot exist in the presence of the Father; the Holy God. It is consumed in His presence and the body that it dwells in is consumed also. Jesus experienced separation from the Father; I know He is a part of the Trinity and what we know theologically is hard to accept logically. However the flesh and blood body of our Lord contained our sin and it was that body that He sacrificed in order that we could be separated from sin forever. What has all this got to do with us? Have you ever been in a situation, or maybe in one now, where you felt God had or has forsaken you? Could it be there is sin hiding somewhere in your body? Some unforgiven sin of which you have not repented? Forgiveness you need to give and have not given? Perhaps some jealousy or envy? Maybe a little "secret sin" buried deep in an old trunk in the basement of your heart? Jesus knows what you feel like. He did what He did so that you do not have to experience it forever. Look to Him, cast your spiritual eyes upon Him, and then crucify the sin that is separating you from the Father. Give up your spirit to Jesus just as He gave up His to the Father.

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