Friday, December 18, 2015

Moving On: My Final Blog

Well, 2015 is drawing to a close. I always take time to review all my activities the past year beginning in December. I take a look at everything I am doing in regards to promoting Christ and the Gospel. God gives me time; time that I have to use wisely. How I invest it is what I focus on.

I started writing messages of encouragement while working at a factory in Dublin in 1999. God not only inspired the messages but opened up avenues to share them. I had been contacted by publishers at one point to consider combining them into a book. I never felt peace about doing that although I prayed that this may lead to a bigger audience. God never "told" me to pursue it. "You better copyright your work" one of them told me or someone else will take them and use them. Imagine that, I told him. Imagine God using others to spread His word! I don't care about credit and it is obvious I don't care about profits. I just enjoyed "hearing" God and watching the words appear on the screen, just as I am doing right now.

This brings me to a conclusion; one that I have prayed about and have peace about. I have started writing little encouraging notes on our church facebook page. Time constraints allow me to do this consistently, for the most part, although there are days I don't have the time at a particular moment to write them. Therefore I will not be posting blogs here any longer. I am thankful for this platform which was provided free of charge, another gift of God, to share His word. I am thankful to all of you, regardless of how few or many, that have or do read these messages. I pray that you have gleaned something from them that has helped you see how much God loves you and how He uses people like me and you to reach out to others with His message of forgiveness and acceptance. I will leave this blogger up as long as Google allows it to remain. For those of you that have me in  your circles you can find me on our church Facebook Page and on our Church Website

Time and tide wait for no man someone has said. As I plot along through this life, running toward the finish line as the Apostle Paul says it, I will always keep spreading the Gospel for my Lord Jesus in all the ways and means He provides. My children are grown and they were the subjects of many of my messages in the early years. They have "taught" many people over the years with their antics and sayings showing up in my writings. I find it amusing that I even shed a tear now as I close this message and move on to others. Many times when I wrote them, (and write them), I read them over and over and tear up a lot. I thank God that He inspires me to write. I know my writings are not "sacred" but there is no way my little mind could have ever come up with material to touch people's hearts the way many of the messages have. I have countless stories of people who have told me  how they have shared them in devotional meetings, church bulletins, Sunday school classes, between family members, and forwarded them around the world actually. My most memorable one is when I was invited to speak at a  little Methodist church not far from where I live. When I showed up I saw a lady sitting at the piano named Miss Zarfoss. She was a Saint of God. She along with Miss Hess, were known as the Bible Teachers. They would go from school to school back in the sixties, from classroom to classroom, teaching and singing about Jesus. They would be at Vacation Bible School in about every church in the area teaching and singing about Jesus. It is no doubt in my mind today, that their work and ministry directly impacted my coming to Christ and Him using me today. When I met her and introduced myself and told her who I was and how that she and Miss Hess had taught me for years in the Ivanhoe Elementary School, that I was so honored to see her again. She then opened her purse and pulled out a church bulletin and pointed to the message on the back. "Is this you?" She asked. "Did you write this?" I was humbled beyond measure. "I have carried this for a long time hoping that I would meet this guy" she said. She then laughed like she always did. We hugged for a long time. She is with Jesus today along with Miss Hess.

Lord; thank You for all the people You have brought into my life over the years and for all the people You have lined up for me to meet. I give You the Glory for all the messages, You know that; but I say this for all those who may think that I am something, God forbid. Jesus; Thank You. Amen.


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