Monday, March 16, 2015

The Church of Burger King

If the title of this message got your attention then that's a good thing, however I am not planting a church in a burger joint. I used the title because years ago Burger King had a slogan that said, "Have it your way." In the world of "church" today it seems that many congregations and entire denominations have adopted that slogan. I could spend hours and megabytes of room defining the differences between what Jesus established as His Church and what we have evolved into that we call church. You may get offended if you keep reading because there is not anyway to say what needs to be said without confronting ideas that many have in regards to what Jesus accepts and does not accept. It seems that many tell God what He accepts by telling others what He is okay with. Just because we think God is okay with it does not mean that He is okay with it. The doctrine of the Church of Burger King has one article of faith: God loves you and because He does He will let you have it your way. I am as firm a believer in the grace of God as anyone you can name but I also know that grace can be abused. Grace is what we get from God instead of justice, mercy is what we get from Him instead of what we deserve. The Apostle Paul said that "God forbid" if we should think grace cannot be abused (Romans 6:15). The Church of Burger King says that we can leave out what we do not like and add in what tastes better to us. God forbid.

Here is what God says in His word: 15 but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, 16 because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy" (1 Peter 1; underline mine).

God does not give us a choice which behaviors we can keep and which ones we must do away with. All our conduct, that is not just our actions but our words as well. The holiness of God is only imparted unto us by Christ. We have not the ability to make ourselves holy. We cannot live a Christian life but we can let Christ live His life through us. When we allow Jesus into our heart He will guide us by His principles and His virtues. The behavior resulting from His indwelling is called the "Fruit of the Spirit" (Galatians 5:22, 23). Jesus is the vine, His children are the branches and He produces His fruit through us. The Church of Burger King says we can bear grapes on a watermelon vine. The Church of Burger King teaches that a fresh water spring can also supply salt water. Don't be deceived, be doers of the Word of the God and not just hearers only. One more thing; If it says it in the Bible, Jesus agrees with it; whether it is in "red print" or not. 

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