Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Boy Lied: But he Came Clean.


hen this young man was six he said he died and went to heaven; remember him? He and his father wrote a book which also became a movie. He describes in the book what he saw and it was very encouraging. Now he admits it was all fabrication. It all came from the mind of a six year old that wanted attention. Now before we get all red faced and mad at him, take a look at his letter here and let it teach us a lesson. Yep, I said us. We may get upset about those who lie to us and deceive us for personal gain as we should, but we must get upset with ourselves as well for believing everything that we can find a Scripture to support.
 “Please forgive the brevity, but because of my limitations I have to keep this short.  I did not die. I did not go to Heaven. I said I went to heaven because I thought it would get me attention. When I made the claims that I did, I had never read the Bible. People have profited from lies, and continue to. They should read the Bible, which is enough. The Bible is the only source of truth. Anything written by man cannot be infallible. It is only through repentance of your sins and a belief in Jesus as the Son of God, who died for your sins (even though he committed none of his own) so that you can be forgiven may you learn of Heaven outside of what is written in the Bible…not by reading a work of man. I want the whole world to know that the Bible is sufficient. Those who market these materials must be  called to  repent and hold the Bible as enough.     In Christ,   Alex Malarkey.”
I think we would have to agree that his letter is sincere. Repentance looks like this. It took a lot of guts for the kid to tell the truth, even if it did take him a while to do it. He would have had to consider the lawsuits and everything else that those who are upset with him may try to do to retaliate in order to sooth their anger for believing him; but he did it anyway. There were many who never believed it in the first place and there are many who may be let down, but as Christians we know that the Bible is true; even if a little boy made up a story of heaven and angels does not change the fact that heaven is real and so are angels. Thanks Alex for coming clean; your bold repentance will encourage others who are keeping secrets to come clean before God too.

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