Monday, October 6, 2014

It Still Ain't Right.

Psalm 12:8 (New Living Translation)

Therefore, Lord, we know you will protect the oppressed, preserving them forever from this lying generation, even though the wicked strut about, and evil is praised throughout the land.

If you are easily offended by having things that are wrong pointed out to you, then you may want to leave this blog and go read something that will tickle your ears. There, that is my disclaimer to those of you who will disagree with my facts. Yes, facts, not opinions.

It has always been apparent that American law has been moving away from Biblical law ever since the formation of the Constitution. Our forefathers never intended the government to conduct, direct, endorse, or interfere with a person’s choice to follow God or any other god they may choose to pay homage to, or even to believe at all. That was their intention of separating church and state. NO WHERE in the Constitution did they ever say that the government has the right to exclude God from public life. All that has changed; at least that is what many legislators and court officers think. Let me say this from the conviction of my heart; I don’t care what a person does in regards to obeying the Law of God. It is none of my business how an individual chooses to live their life unless it affects how I live mine. So why do certain people think that I have no right “legally” to live my life in submission to the Law of God?  Do what you want, but leave me alone to worship the One True God.

I just saw that Virginia has now begun to marry those of the same sex. I don’t care if someone wants to marry their pet bird or animal; it is none of my business. What I do care about is that those who govern the laws of our land, which are certainly not in line with the Law of God, somehow are under the opinion that what they “legalize” is okay to do. It is NOT OKAY to kill unborn infants any more than it is okay to kill a newborn infant. Now they have “legalized” same sex marriages. The “powers that be” think that somehow they have restored a freedom to Americans that they never had. Marriage is a legal, contractual agreement recognized by the government which gives two individual people the same legal ownership and decision making capabilities equivalent to what belonged to one individual person. Therefore now under civil law it makes no difference what gender these two individual persons are. But it still ain’t right according to the Law of God. God made man a helpmate; another human creature yet different than the man. A creature that would not be inferior to the man but would “help” the man achieve by unison what he could not achieve alone. Man cannot produce a man without a woman. Thereby what Jesus referred to as marriage was “that a man should leave his father and mother (male and female) and be joined unto his wife (male to female like mom and dad).  Jesus said marriage was not for everybody (Matthew 19:10 - 11).  

The Psalmist summed up our society today in the opening verse I chose for this message. Read it again; slowly and prayerfully. I know it is called the Supreme Court, but it really is not supreme. God is the Supreme Judge. The Court may decide what they feel is “right” in civil society and implement it but when it comes to the Law of God, they will answer to the real Supreme Judge just as you and I will. Fear not Christians; look up, our Redemption draws nigh!

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