Monday, February 3, 2014

What's It Take To Make You Happy? (Philipppians 4:12)

I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation. (NIV)

For some the answer would be simple: “That my terminal illness would be healed.” Others who are facing different but yet difficult circumstances would answer something else.

Families that have turmoil in them would be happy if everybody got along. The unemployed would be happy if they could get a job to support their families. Those who are round the clock caretakers of a homebound loved one would be happy if their loved one was healed. The list could go on and on and each of us has individual answers, yet many we would have in common. Happiness depends on circumstances. Now the pious, super saints among us may say it makes no difference what happens, they are always happy. No, they are not, and they need to be honest. Who is happy that a loved one suffers? Maybe someone filled with hate, but certainly not a compassionate, Spirit filled person.

For some to be happy it takes drugs. For some it takes extramarital affairs. For others it takes money. For some it takes popularity. Whatever it takes; it takes something to create happiness with a “happening.” Usually when things go our way we are happy and think we are content.

The Apostle was not talking about being happy about being persecuted and even stoned and left for dead. He was making a point that circumstances may not always be favorable but we can learn to be content; not happy, but receptive; able to take it. The Greek words used to create our English word content means, “to bear up” and the other “to have enough.” To be content we must put up with the circumstances knowing that Christ is all we need in the long run; He is enough. The circumstances, like the happiness or the sadness they bring with them, are temporary. Temporary in Gods eyes may be 50 years, or 10 minutes.

Seek for joy and not happiness; big difference. I was not happy sitting on the pew while the preacher preached my parent’s funerals, but there was joy in my heart knowing that one day Jesus will take me home and I won’t have to experience anymore grief. Be happy, happy, happy when you can, but more importantly, let Jesus into your heart and His joy will be in you.

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