Monday, April 1, 2013

Don't Be Fooled: The Devil Does Not Play

Psalm 14:1 (New King James Version, NKJV).
The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none who does good.

April Fool’s Day started a long time ago and has become a nationally recognized day in America, even though it is not a national holiday. People play pranks and hoaxes on each other in the name of fun. Some who are pranked or fooled laugh, others get angry. Everyone that is fooled is not necessarily a fool. The Bible defines a fool as one who says in their heart, “There is no God.”
Why would anyone say that? Because they have been fooled into believing there is no God. Jesus said a person that would build their house on sandy soil is foolish. The Apostle Paul wanted to know who it was that fooled the Galatian church. A fool is not just one who has a trick played on him but rather one who refuses to believe it was just a trick. If someone says your shoe is untied and you look and it is not, you were just tricked. If your shoe is untied and you look at it and refuse to tie it believing in your heart it is not really untied it just looks like it is, is a fool. Can you imagine anyone being that way? Not if they are in their right mind.
The same principle applies to the one who says there is no God in their heart. They see His creation; they see His works all around them and yet still believe in their hearts that He does not exist. The Apostle Paul wrote to the Romans that because there were those who did not like to retain God in their knowledge, which means to think about Him and give Him serious consideration, that God would “give them over” to their thoughts. Simply put; if you do not believe there is a God then you do not believe you will be judged one day.
The devil will fool you if you let him. He will convince you, as he did Eve, that God is not who He says He is. The devil will fool you into believing that the Bible is not true, that Christ does not exist, and that this life is all there is. Don’t fall for it. Take a serious look at the Bible and give serious thought to what it teaches. Take a moment to pray about it; God will hear you. The devil is not playing April Fools; he is not playing at all.

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