Monday, September 24, 2012

Winds, Waves, Rescue.

Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea; “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm. [Mark 4:39 New King James Version]
It is evident and goes without saying that severe weather threatens lives. A lot of people have been killed this year by storms. Just for a moment with me today let your mind wander, (a dangerous thing for me to do as mine forgets how to get back), and let's put ourselves in the boat that evening with the disciples. The wind is blowing rain into our faces as we struggle to stay in the boat. The waves are tossing us to and fro and water from the sea is filling the boat each time the bow dips under the waves! Water up around our ankles, the boat rocking, the wind whistling, our stomachs upset and our hearts pounding! I am glad I am only imagining this scene and not actually there, how about you?

Now let’s change gears and compare that scene to one in our everyday life here on land. With one phone call, a doctor’s diagnosis, or the confession from a spouse, our emotions are tossed about and our mind starts filling up with thoughts which upset our stomach and grip our hearts. What went wrong? What did we miss? How did this happen? Why me, why us? You know those feelings and have asked those questions; I know I have.
Go back to the storm on the Sea of Galilee just a moment and look at the words in red (if your Bible has that). “Peace, be still!” Did you notice the exclamation point? That punctuation mark indicates to us that Jesus did not waste any time in answering the call of the frantic cries of the seasoned fishermen who could not save the ship. He arose to do it Mark says.

He arose to save us too. He will speak to the wind and waves that batter our emotions and thoughts as well. When the wind left the ocean became calm and the disciples let out a sigh of relief. Their heart rate returned to normal and their hope of survival increased a hundred percent. “Who is this man?”  They asked.
Do you know who He is? He is the Master of the Sea. He is the Prince of Peace. He is the Commander in Chief of the wind and rain. He is your Friend. He is your refuge. He is your Savior.

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