Monday, March 12, 2012

Good Intentions Is Not Good Enough.

But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail. (Luke 22:32 NKJV)

Simon Peter had no idea that he was the target of a dastardly plan, like Job. I find it interesting that Satan never asked for Judas. The reason may have been that Judas had conceived the idea of betrayal himself and Satan took advantage of the opportunity. We know that Jesus knew what was in the heart of Judas and Peter (John 2:25). Peter had every good intention of sticking with Christ even if he should be killed for it. Or at least, he thought he would do it. Satan knows our weaknesses and can discern the intents of our hearts even though he is not all knowing. Satan knows that we are drawn away by our desires and enticed to sin against God (James 1:14). Our deep love and commitment to Jesus is not a guarantee that we will never be drawn away. Our righteousness is but filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6). Peter is an example of how human nature can override human desire. His desire was to die for Christ if necessary but fear caused him to deny Him. Peter had not the power within himself to overcome the sifting process. Neither do I, nor you.

I can think of nothing better than having Jesus pray for me! My faith, as far as I am concerned, is strong. The faith that I have in Christ that is, not in myself. If my faith is in my own ability to stay true to Jesus than I am setting myself up for failure (1 Corinthians 10:12). I was not saved by my own ability and I cannot stay saved by it. (Ephesians 2:8). Were it not for Jesus praying for me when Satan smells weakness in me I would not have the ability to overcome sin. Nothing can separate us from the love that Jesus has for us (Romans 8:39). A lot of things can separate us from the love we have Christ though if we are not careful. Peter could have deserted Christ that night, nevermore to return because of his guilt resulting from his failure. Peter could have been ashamed to go to Jesus after that because of all he had promised before, but because Jesus prayed for him his faith in Christ overcame his failure!

How about you today? Are you a disciple? Have you failed Christ? Has Satan sifted you? Is he sifting you now? Listen again to what Jesus says; “I have prayed for you.”

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