Monday, November 14, 2011

His Eyes Are On You

The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, And His ears are open to their cry (Psalm 34:15 NKJV).

I used to play hide and seek with the kids when they were little. One time I was playing with the twins and they hid downstairs in the living room behind the couch. I came down the steps and acted like I did not see them but went about the room saying how good they had hid this time. As I started to leave the room Josh jumped out and said, “I’m right here daddy!”

It is a wonderful thing to know that God sees us all the time. Even when we are not aware of it His loving eyes are watching. Now a skeptic is not able to accept that because it does not align with human logic. “How can He possibly see everyone all the time?” They may ask. The Bible teaches that a person who does not have the Spirit does not accept the truths that come from the Spirit of God. That person thinks they are foolish and cannot understand them, because they can only be judged to be true by the Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:14, NCV). Human logic is no match for the wisdom and ability of God. If God was limited to seeing only a group and not an individual then Jesus would have lied when He said not one sparrow falls from the sky unless God allows it to happen (Matthew 10:29). You are not just a number to God but one in a number. Does He see the wicked apart from the righteous? Of course He does but the second part of this verse distinguishes the difference in how He sees us as compared to the unbeliever. God saw me before I ever came to be saved. It was not that He heard any of my prayers as I was not yet in Christ. If by chance anything I prayed did come about it was because someone had interceded for me! He protected me because Saints prayed for me. He drew me to Him because someone prayed for the lost to be saved.

Friend, you may think that God is nothing more than a higher power but let me assure you today He is much more than a figment of mans imagination. When times of trouble come upon us He sees us. When we walk through the valley of the shadow of death; He sees us. When we feel that we are overlooked, over worked, under appreciated, unloved, unheard of, and misunderstood; He sees us and is listening. If you are not one of the righteous, (saved), then look to Him for forgiveness and to Christ for salvation. If you are one of the righteous then jump out from your hiding place and say, “I’m right here Daddy!”

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