Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Devil is a Bully

“Your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” [1 Peter 5:8]

The devil is a bully. You know what a bully is and does. A bully has an inferiority complex and is insecure in their own existence so they are inclined to take their insecurities and fears and project them onto someone else. It causes a bully to feel better if someone is afraid of them rather than them having to fear someone else. So the psychologist would say. I am sure there are many reasons bullies are bullies but the motivating factor is control. They want their way and will do what it takes to try and get it. Enter the devil; not the tall skinny red figure carrying a three prong pitch fork with horns coming out of his head and a pointy tail but rather picture a bully on the playground. Now the difference in the bullies we know and him is that most bullies wanted our milk money. Satan doesn’t want our milk money but he does not want us to give it to Christ! The mission of the devil is to take from Christ what God has given Him; souls. Now the devil does not want our souls, contrary to popular belief, he just does not want Christ to have them. He does not gain anything by getting our soul; he will be destroyed in everlasting fire along with all the rest of those who have rejected Christ when all is said and done. Satan does not want Jesus to have us forever, which is why Christ died on the Cross. The devil will use any means possible to get what he wants. He wants Christ to weep over those who reject Him. The devil takes pleasure in seeing us suffer because it gives him opportunity to lie to us and tell us that there is no God. The devil uses tools such as fear and the wedge of discouragement. A roaring lion frightens its prey to the point that it shakes in its tracks or becomes confused and does not know which way to run. The devil will scare you with the thoughts of losing something; your family, your health, your wealth, and your life. When he sees a crack of doubt appear in our faith he will put the tip of his wedge of discouragement in it and begin to hammer on it. He wants us to split from Christ because he knows that’s where our security is rooted. He does his best to bully us because he hates us. He hates us because Christ loves us. He is not a force to be reckoned with but rather a real creature with influence. So, be sober and be vigilant; don’t let him confuse you and cause you to give up on Jesus. Regardless of how big or scary he may cause things to look; turn to Jesus. The devil hates Christ but has to listen to Him. You draw close to Christ and let Christ deal with the devil.

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