Monday, June 27, 2011

Smell This.

Because of Christ, we give off a sweet scent rising to God. (2 Corinthians 2:15 The Message)

During my “walk with God” this morning along the New River Trail it seems that my olfactory receptors were at their optimum performance today. In other words, I smelled a lot of stuff that I generally do not pay attention to. I love to smell the honeysuckle, the pine, and cedar smells that hang in the air along the route. As I was thinking about what the topic for the devotion would be today I walked past a field of cattle and the smell of cow pies seemed overwhelming! Several of them were at the fence grazing in the early morning shade and one was chewing and mooing as I walked past. I stopped to see what the big deal was about and the thought hit me; wonder what I smell like to God? I remembered reading somewhere in the Bible that we are called sheep, but I cannot remember ever being referred to as a cow. I know God is good at using what is available to teach us so she would suffice for my daily lesson. I sit down on the bench that just happens to be in the perfect location for cattle watching and pie smelling to get gravel out of my shoe. As I sat there meditating, smelling, and listening this verse came to mind. Not in the text of The Message, but rather as I have read in my New King James; we are the aroma of life to some, and the aroma of death to others, but to God we are the fragrance, (smell or aroma), of Christ. Gee! I smell sweet to God! When I asked Christ to save me, He washed me of my sin and clothed me in His righteousness. The stench of death which is attached to sin had been removed as the sweet smell of eternal life permeated my soul. When God takes a whiff of me now He smells the lingering fragrance of His Son upon me!

You may smell like Aqua Velva, Old Spice, or Obsession today in the physical, but if you have put on Christ you smell sweet to your heavenly Father! I was a real stinker to Him at one time so I am glad today that Jesus never turned His nose up at me, and He will not turn His nose up at you either. Man, I am glad He never created me to be a Tumblebug.

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