Monday, April 11, 2011

Our Unfriendly Planet

Romans 8:20-21 (NLT)
Against its will, all creation was subjected to God’s curse. But with eager hope, the creation looks forward to the day when it will join God’s children in glorious freedom from death and decay.

The devastating storm that passed through Friday left a path of destruction that we usually see on the evening news that happened somewhere else. The damage left behind is not only materially or physically, but emotionally and spiritually too. Fear and insecurity will plague many for a long time to come. Every time the wind gets up or the thunder rolls anxiety will arise having many wondering if it is happening again. My deepest heartfelt sympathy is for those directly affected by this event. Some say that God is trying to wake us up. Some say it is some sort of punishment for our rebellious lifestyles. Others think it is just a natural disaster that happens at times. The truth of the matter is: all three are correct.

The Scripture tells us why these things happen as they do. Earthquakes and Tsunamis, fires and floods, tornadoes and volcanoes, are all the result of the rebellious act that took place in the Garden of Eden long, long ago. We fail to realize the impact that sin has on all creation; not just us. God created and provided a once perfect world for His once perfect creatures. Free from natural disaster, free from disease, free from death. When the people He put in charge of it all stabbed Him in the back they not only reaped the consequences of their actions but the entire creation He had provided for them would change also. A planet that was designed and created to support eternal life for eternal creatures was changed into a place where they would have to labor to survive. Death not only came to them but also to their planet; the one you and I are on right now. The Earth is no longer “human friendly.” The entire planet “groans” as one translation puts it, waiting for the day that God tells us about in Revelation; the day that a new heaven and a new earth will be created for His “new” creatures. Born again humans living in a born again world!

The Apostle Paul put it this way; “What we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory which will be revealed to us later.” These words do not bring a lot of comfort when you stand at the graveside of your loved one. They do not bring a lot of comfort when you stand where your home once stood and survey the rubble that was once precious belongings scattered across the fields into the trees. Scripture may not always bring us comfort at the moment but it always gives us hope! Hope in God. Hope in Christ. Hope in the future. The only things we can count on are the promises of God. The promise of eternal life; the promise of a secure future; and the promise of a better world.

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