Monday, December 6, 2010

The Virgin Birth: Totally Important!

Hey Guys, sorry about last week; got busy. Here is our message for today!

Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a Son, and will call His name Immanuel. (Isaiah 7:14 NIV)

Virtually impossible one would think today. Science has not yet been able to “clone” a human nor will they ever do it without Gods intervention. A virgin conceiving a child is not possible either; with man. I know they implant embryos and end up with octomoms, but there was still a human male involved. Listen, the Embryo implanted in Mary was not touched by mans hands, (or any other part). God Himself, implanted Himself, into a human body, by way of the Holy Spirit! Wow! How miraculous is that? Some say it does not matter if Jesus was born of a virgin or not; they are wrong. It does matter; totally! If Mary was not a virgin then Jesus was obscured. His Blood would have had contaminated DNA. Contaminated blood, from sinful man, would not cleanse anyone from sin. No my friend, He was pure of human infirmities even though He suffered human frailties. Mary was human and was not without sin being a human, but she was a virgin and she found favor with God! She is blessed among women for giving birth to our Savior, but she is not the Mother of God, she is simply the servant He used to get here among us! Glory to God in the highest! Amen, forever and ever!

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